File Lister 0.2.5b

About File Lister

Sometimes you want to keep an eye on the files in a directory located on a remote Unix-based server. With this widget you can list the files on any server, for any user, in any directory as long as you can make an SSH connection to that server. If your password or passphrase is stored in the Keychain on your Mac computer, File Lister will make a secure connection with the server and list the files in the specified directory - right on your Dashboard. Want to monitor multiple directories? File Lister supports multiple instances without a problem.


Version 0.2.5b
- Fixed a bug that caused directory listings that placed "/" characters on the end of directories to list these entries improperly (default "ls" behavior is now enforced)

Version 0.2.4b
- Added option to list recent files first

Version 0.2.3b
- Placed file count next to directory label

Version 0.2.2b
- Added file count reporting

Version 0.2.1b
- Compiled for Snow Leopard

Version 0.2b
- Support for multiple instances added

Version 0.1b
- Original code released

Download Details



Post Date:March 22, 2012


File Size:414 KB


IDL Routines

The following IDL procedures and functions are utilities that I have developed over time and find useful in conducting my research on a daily basis. I am the author of these source codes. I have placed these source codes in the public domain. You can use, modify, and distribute these source codes and executable programs based on these source codes.

Color Science

DELTAEThis function returns the computed color difference (deltaE) between two (2) provided RGB color triplets. The triplets are converted to sRGB (0-1), converted to tristimulus values (XYZ), converted to CIE L*a*b* where the color difference between them is computed using a simple Euclidean distance measure.
LAB2SRGB_IMAGEThis function converts a provided CIE L*a*b* color space representation image to an sRGB image assuming Illuminant D65. A non-linearity adjustment for the monitor response is applied to the provided data.
LAB2XYZThis function returns the converted tristimulus values for a provided CIE L*a*b* value assuming a particular illuminant.
SRGB2LAB_IMAGEThis function converts a provided sRGB color image to a CIE L*a*b* color space representation image assuming Illuminant D65. A non-linearity adjustment for the monitor response is applied to the provided color data.
SRGB2XYZThis function converts a provided sRGB color triplet to tristimulus values. The sRGB values are assumed to be in the range [0,1]. A non-linearity adjustment for the monitor response is applied to the provided color data.
XYZ2LABThis function returns the converted CIE L*a*b* values for a provided tristimulus value assuming a particular illuminant.
XYZ2SRGBThis function converts a provided set of tristimulus values to sRGB. The tristimulus values are assumed to be in the range [0,1] and computed with illuminant D65. A non-linearity adjustment for the monitor response is applied (gamma = 2.2).


ANGLE_BETWEEN_TWO_VECTORSThis function will compute the angle between two provided vectors (or arrays of vectors) in n-space.
ARRAYS_ARE_SAME_SIZEThis function will check if two provide arrays are the same size. This routine only checks the dimensions (no other characteristics are considered).
CREATE_DCT_MATRIXThis function computes the DCT matrix that can be used in place of the discrete cosine transform for square, two-dimensional block data. This matrix, M, is used as Y = M ## X ## M' to compute the DCT, Y, of the square, two-dimensional data array X.
DCT1DThis function computes the one-dimensional discrete cosine transform (or its inverse) of the provide vector.
DCT2DThis function computes the two-dimensional discrete cosine transform (or its inverse) of the provide two-dimensional data array.
DOT_PRODUCTThis function will compute the dot product between two provided vectors (or arrays or vectors) in n-space.
IS_EQUALThis function will determine if two scalars are equal. This function is intended to be used when comparing two floating point values to determine in they are "close enough" to each other to be considered equal.
MAGNITUDEThis function will compute the magnitude (length) of the provided n-dimensional vector.
NORMALIZEThis function will normalize or compute the unit vector equivalent for the provided vector.
NORMHThis function normalizes the provided array by the homogeneous coordinate.
PRINT_LATEX_TABLEThis procedure will create LaTeX code for a table from a provided two-dimensional array.
PRINT_STRUCTUREThis procedure will print the contents of a structure to the console, in a name/value pair format. This will allow the user to view the contents of the sturucture in a more readable format.
RANDOM_SAMPLEThis function will return a vector of "n" random elements selected from either a provided vector OR from a produced vector of "N" elements using a long data index generator. The returned random elements will be unique, that is, no individual element in the array may be selected twice.
REPLICATE_VECTORThis function will replicate a provided vector as either the rows or columns of a 2-dimensional array. This provides a utility similar to the REPLICATE functions provided in IDL for scalar values.
ROTATE3DThis function will perform a rotation of the provided homogenous point in 3-space. The result represents the orthogonal matrix corresponding to a clockwise/left-handed rotation with Euler angles angleX, angleY, and angleZ with x-y-z convention.
TAG_EXISTSThis function will search a structure for the existence of a specified tag.


FACET_VERTICES_TO_PLANE_COEFFICIENTSThis function will compute the coefficients of a plane equation of the form Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 from a set of triangilar facet vertices. The surface normal can also be computed if desired.
PLOT_ENHANCEDThis procedure serves as a wrapper around the IDL PLOT procedure that adds the ability to produce encapulated Postscript versions of the plots using the original IDL plot format or with the popular GNUPLOT package which is available for most platforms (this package must be installed separately and available in your path before this capability will be functional).
PLOT_SPHERICALThis function will create a three-dimensional quadilateral-faceted plot of spherical coordinate data. The data provided must represent magnitudes defined at a regularly-spaced set of declination and azimuth angles.
POINT_IN_POLYGONThis function will determine whether the supplied point is contained within the supplied general polygon
POINT_INSIDE_TRIANGULAR_FACETThis function determines whether a provided point (or set of points) falls within the boundaries of a triangular facet. This function uses the technique based upon the barycentric coordinate test described at
RAY_INTERSECTS_FACETThis function determines whether a given ray (or set of rays) intersect a provided triangular facet in 3-space.

Image Processing

BILATERALThis function performs bilateral filtering of a greyscale or multi- band color image. The filtering is based on a Gaussian distribution in both the distance and range domain and depends on the user-provided standard deviations in both of these domains. This function is capable of smoothing the provided image while maintaing edge detail.
DCT_BLOCKThis function produces a block DCT image (or its inverse) from the provided input data.
FAST_CORNER_DETECTORThis function will return a 2xn array of corner coordinates identified in the provided greyscale image.
FILL_REGIONThis function will use morphological operations to fill the interior region of a provided boundary image.
FIND_CENTERThis function will look at a cluster of pixels in a binary image and determine the mean coodinate of that cluster. It is assumed that there is only ONE cluster of pixels in the provided image. If there are more, then the mean coordinate of ALL cluster pixels will be returned, which is probably an undesirable result.
FIND_CLUSTER_CENTERSThis function will find the centroid coordinates for clusters located throughout a provided image. The clusters will first be refined by thresholding the provided image using the supplied digital count threshold value.
HARRIS_CORNER_DETECTORThis function will find corners in an image. Corners are defined in this context as localized areas within the image were small shifts in the image in any direction produce a significant change in the composition of the neighborhood.
INTERACTIVE_CROPThe INTERACTIVE_CROP function will allow the user to select a spatial sub-region of the provided image that is to be cropped. The function will create a window and display the image provided for the user to interact with.
MAKE_BAYERThis function will construct a document mode image from a provided three-band color image [3,*,*] using the following Bayer pattern [ [G,R], [B,G] ].
OTSU_THRESHOLDThis function uses Otsu's method to automatically perform histogram shape-based image thresholding, or, the reduction of a gray-level image to a binary image. The algorithm assumes that the image to be thresholded contains two classes of pixels (e.g. foreground and background) then calculates the optimum threshold separating those two classes so that their combined spread (inter-class variance) is maximal.
PERSPECTIVE_PROJECT3DThis function will perform a perspective projection of a three- dimensional point defined in homogenous coordinates onto a two- dimensional "focal plane" as if being acquired by a camera located in 3-space with a specified focal length, pixel size, and "look at" position.
PROJECTIVE_MAPPING_MATRIXThis function will compute the projective transformation matrix to allow the conversion between two sets of quadrilateral vertices, one set being considered the image and the other being considered the map. The determined transformation, mappingMatrix, can be subsequently used to convert a homogenous map coordinate [u,v] to a homogenous image coordinate [x,y].
QUAD_TO_QUAD_PROJECTIVE_TRANSFORMThis function will perform a quadrilateral-to-quadrilateral projective transform of the provided image. The transformation is defined using the provided quadrilateral vertices defined in a clockwise order beginning at the upper left-hand corner. The provided image coordinates are targeted to fall at the provided map coordinates.
READ_ENVI_HEADERThis function serves to read an ENVI header directly into an IDL program.
READ_ENVI_IMAGEThis function serves to read an ENVI image/header directly into an IDL program without the need to first open that image in ENVI and use the ENVI_* routines to do so.
READPPMThis function serves to read a Netpbm format portable pixmap format (PPM) image.
SCRAMBLE_IMAGEThis function returns a version of the provided image in which the digital count value locations have been scrambled a specified number of times (numberTransformations) using toral automorphism (G. Voyatzis and I. Pitas, Applications of toral automorphism in image watermarking, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Image Processing, Volume 2, pp. 237-240, 1996).
SPATIAL_FILTERThis function will return a response from the spatial filtering of a one-, two-, or three-dimensional array with the provided one- or two-dimensional filter. If specified, this routine will properly rotate the filter before performing the filtering operation to perform pure mathematical convolution.
STDDEV_IMAGEThis function will compute the standard deviation in a local neighborhood around each pixel in a greyscale image.
WRITE_MP4This procedure will create an MPEG4 video file from the provided frames. The frames can be either greyscale or 3-channel color.
WRITE_PHOTOSHOP_CUSTOM_FILTERThis procedure will write a custom Photoshop filter to disk in the proper binary format.


CANCEL_PROGRAMThis procedure deletes all windows created by the calling routine, closes all files, and destroys the calling routine/widget.
ERROR_MESSAGEThis procedure creates an error message modal dialog box.
PAUSE_EXECUTIONThis procedure pauses a routine's execution by creating a modal dialog box containing a message. Execution is paused until this dialog box is dismissed.


BB_RADIANCEThis function will return either the spectral radiance(s) at a specific wavelength or at a discrete set of wavelengths provided in an array or it will return the spectrally integrated radiance across a bandpass specified by the wavelength limits for a provided absolute temperature.
BB_TEMPERATUREThis function will return the blackbody temperature corresponding to either the provided spectral radiance or the spectrally- integrated radiance at the specified wavelength or within the specified bandpass.
DP_RADIANCE_CALIBRATIONThis user-interactive procedure will produce calibrated radiance files from the sample and downwelling measurement files created by the D&P Instruments Model 102F MicroFT or the Model 202 TurboFT. This calibration requires the cold and warm blackbody files produced by the instrument also be provided. Sample data is provided here.
TESThis user-interactive procedure will perform a temperature-emissivity separation using a user-provided sample and downwelling radiance spectra. The spectra must be provided as a function of wavelength [micrometers] in units of W/m^2/sr/micrometer.


GAUSSIANThis function computes the value of a Gaussian distribution for a given random variate and a specified mean and standard deviation.
GENERATE_CORRELATED_DATAThis function will return a list of k normally-distributed, correlated, n-dimensional random points [with a specified mean vector and set of univariate standard deviations].
MULTIPLE_LINEAR_REGRESSIONThis function will perform a full-order multiple linear regression by constructing a full-order design matrix including all possible combinations of the provided independent variables (for example, if 5 independent variables are provided and a constant/intercept term is desired for a third-order model (order=3), then all 6-CHOOSE-3 three- term variable combinations will be placed in the design matrix).
PRINT_ANOVAThis procedure will display the ANOVA table given in the analyis structure along with the coefficients computed by the MULTIPLE_LINEAR_REGRESSION module.
RANSACRANSAC is an abbreviation for "RANdom SAmple Consensus". It is an iterative method to estimate parameters of a mathematical model from a set of observed data which contains outliers. It is a non-deterministic algorithm in the sense that it produces a reasonable result only with a certain probability, with this probability increasing as more iterations are allowed. The algorithm was first published by Fischler and Bolles in 1981.
RMS_EDGEThis function accepts two images, original and altered. The two images must have the same dimensions. The original image is converted to luminance, and then an edge mask is calculated. The edge mask is found by applying a gradient operator, applying a threshold, and then dilating the result. The edge mask is applied to both input images, and the RMS deviation is found for each channel separately.

Matlab Routines

The following Matlab functions are utilities that I have developed over time and find useful in conducting my research on a daily basis. I am the author of these source codes. I have placed these source codes in the public domain. You can use, modify, and distribute these source codes and executable programs based on these source codes.

Image Processing

read_envi_headerThis function reads an ENVI header file and parses out the number of samples, lines, bands, data type, interleave type and byte order. These parameters are returned in an array.
read_envi_imageThis function reads an ENVI image directly into MATLAB.

Python Code

The following Python codes are utilities that I have developed over time and find useful in conducting my research on a daily basis. I am the author of these source codes. I have placed these source codes in the public domain. You can use, modify, and distribute these source codes and executable programs based on these source codes.

Color Science

deltaeThis method will compute the color difference (delta E) between two provided colors triplets or two provided color images. The colors provided are assumed to be in sRGB color space and viewed under illuminant D65. If the provided colors are individual color triplets, the return value will be a scalar delta E. If the provided colors are images, a delta E image and a scalar average delta E will be returned as a tuple.
xyz2srgbThis method converts a provided set of tristimulus values to sRGB. The tristimulus values are assumed to be in the range [0, 1] and computed with Illuminant D65. A non-linearity adjustment for the monitor response is applied (gamma = 2.4).


dist This method will create a rectangular array (numpy.ndarray) in which each element represents the distance from the upper left position -or- in which each element is proportional to its frequency. This method is modeled directly after the IDL DIST function.


plot This method will plot the two-dimensional data set(s) provided and optionally display them to the screen or save them to a output graphics format file. This method serves as a wrapper for the Matplotlib module incorporating and simplifying the use of the more commonly available graphing option. The file must be placed in a directory named "graphics" that is located in your PYTHONPATH. An "" file should be created in the "graphics" directory to insure that this module can be imported throughout your development environment.

Image Processing

bilinearThis method will perform color filter array interpolation on a generic document mode (Bayer) image. A simple neighbor averaging approach will be taken for each of the three patterned color channels.
laroche_and_prescottThis method will perform color filter array interpolation on a generic document mode (Bayer) image. A gradient-based approach is taken to avoid interpolating across edges to minimize color artifacting. The technique is an implementation of the following paper: C.A. Laroche and M.A. Prescott, "Apparatus and method for adaptively interpolating a full color image utilizing chrominance gradients", U.S. Patent No. 5,373,322 (1994)


terminal_menuA class for creating a simple, terminal-based menu using the "curses" module for terminal handling for character cell displays.


psnrThis method will compute the peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) between two provided data sets. The PSNR will be computed for the ensemble data. If the PSNR is desired for a particular slice of the provided data, then the data sets provided should represent those slices.
rmseThis method will compute the root-mean-squared error (RMSE) between two provided data sets. The RMSE will be computed for the ensemble data. If the RMSE is desired for a particular slice of the provided data, then the data sets provided should represent those slices.

C Code

The following C codes are utilities that I have developed over time and find useful in conducting my research on a daily basis. I am the author of these source codes. I have placed these source codes in the public domain. You can use, modify, and distribute these source codes and executable programs based on these source codes.

Image Processing

libipThese codes offer simple wrapper routines around the popular libjpeg JPEG reference library and the libdc1394 IEEE 1394 camera control and capture library.


The following scripts are utilities that I have developed over time and find useful in conducting my research on a daily basis. I am the author of these scripts. I have placed these scripts in the public domain. You can use, modify, and distribute these scripts and executable programs based on these scripts.

Image Processing

imagejThis bash script offers a user-friendly command-line wrapper for the ImageJ (v1.46 or later) running under Mac OS X. The ImageJ folder distributed by the NIH must be located in the Applications folder on your Mac for the script to be used as is.